Mooney’s Miracle

I rescued Mooney when he was being given away for free sick on social media. He needed an MRI, after being hospitalized for a week for parvo, due to neurological signs. I had already fundraised to help pay the expensive hospitalization so I knew it would be hard to come up with the exorbitant cost of the MRI on my own. I reached out to Paisley Anne Foundation through their website and they quickly responded to me. They were willing to help me get the MRI paid for so I could know what is wrong with my baby Mooney. He had his MRI yesterday and unfortunately he has hydrocephalus, which is a congenital issue. Without Paisley Anne I would not have this diagnosis and I would be unable to help Mooney have a better life with treatments. They are such a blessing to me and my puppy. I am extremely grateful to them! -Kimberly J.